The Dog and The Donkey | Moral Stories

The Dog and The Donkey | Moral Stories
the dog and the donkey

Once upon a time , there lived a washer man in the town .

 He had two pets-a dog and a donkey. The dog used to keep watch on his house the whole day long. 

The donkey used to carry the washer man's load to and from the riverside.

The Dog and The Donkey | Moral Stories
the dog and the donkey

One night the washerman was sleeping soundly and a theif came into the house. 

The dog too was fast asleep. So, he did not bark at the thief. But the donkey was awake. 

The Dog and The Donkey | Moral Stories
the dog and the donkey

He saw the thief and thought to awaken his master. So, he began to bray loudly . 

The thief ran away in fear. On listening the braying of the donkey, the washer man could not sleep. 

The Dog and The Donkey | Moral Stories
the dog and the donkey

He came out and could not understand why he was braying. 

To make him quite, he started beating the donkey with a stick. But the washer man's house was saved.

MORAL : Mind your own business.

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